These countries have the strongest Defence Against Hackers | Top 10 Series

Top 11 most powerful cyber defence nations in the world

The governments are beefing up their cyber defences to protect themselves, their citizens and businesses from the hacker attacks and state based cyber warfare.

  1. U.S.A

  2. China

  3. United Kingdom

  4. Russia

  5. Netherlands

  6. France

  7. Germany

  8. Canada

  9. Japan

  10. Australia

  11. Israel

  12. How could still up in the air? Math. Equation: Public Digital Power File (NCPI) = The Belfer Public Digital Power Record (NCPI) measures 30 nations' digital abilities with regards to seven public targets, utilizing 32 purpose markers and 27 capacity pointers with proof gathered from openly accessible information. Look at the NCPI 2020 report from the Harvard Kennedy School - Belfer Center. Furthermore, however wait.....there's more....

Top 10 security hackers of all time

  • Kevin Mitnick

  • Anonymous Group

  • Adrian Lamo

  • Albert Gonzalez

  • Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce

  • Jeanson James Ancheta

  • Michael Calce

  • Kevin Poulsen

  • Jonathan James


Credit : Cyberkite

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